RSA Asset Management

RSA Asset Management

We offer real return solutions that are diversified across asset classes to meet the long-term investment goals of our investor.  The portfolio management team has close to 60 years combined experience, and a variety of highly respected graduate and post-graduate qualifications, as well as professional industry training.  Our support employees represent a high level of dedication, experience and the highest commitment to client service and professionalism.

RSA has the view that savings and investments are critical to the growth of the economy, employment creation, and to the betterment of the quality of citizen’s lives.

Our vision is to promote savings and invest responsibly by providing effective, transparent and cost-efficient products, diverse consumer education and appropriate advice while encouraging a level investment playing field.


Minimum Disclosure Document Date: 31 December 2024

Fund Name NAV Price (CPU) NAV Price Date Minimum Disclosure Document
RSA BCI Balanced Fund (A) RBBFA 145.58 13 February 2025 pdf
RSA BCI Cautious Fund (C) EVCFC 133.78 13 February 2025 pdf