Pyxis Investment Management (Pty) Ltd

Pyxis Investment Management (Pty) Ltd

At Pyxis, we focus on finding a solution for every investor. We understand that each investor is different and may not fit into a standard solution. Bespoke portfolio construction

and management lies at the core of our service offering, but we additionally offer a range of pooled solutions and value-add services.

When it comes to investments, our philosophy stems from the view that the investment cycle is driven by the business cycle. The relative performance of asset classes is, in turn, determined by the stage of the investment cycle. Understanding the stages of the investment cycle allows us to determine the optimal allocation of capital between asset classes over time. Through a long-term investment commitment, with the flexibility to move between asset classes based on the business cycle and its relation to the investment cycle, value accretive opportunities can be implemented.

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Minimum Disclosure Document Date: 31 December 2024

Fund Name NAV Price (CPU) NAV Price Date Minimum Disclosure Document
Pyxis BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund (C) PBWFFC 124.26 13 February 2025 pdf