Independent Securities (Pty) Ltd
Independent Securities is focused purely on delivering superior investment performance for clients at a reasonable cost. Our disciplined and systematic investment process has resulted in our long-term performance track record of outperforming relevant benchmarks and peer groups. Our investment strategy is to simply invest in great companies that can be purchased at an attractive price and hold these companies for the long-term.
Independent Securities is a JSE member that specialises in full discretionary portfolio and asset management across various mandates. Our business is well-established and has been a JSE member since 1998. The company is privately owned by management and the founders continue to be integrally involved in the business on a day to day basis. Our portfolio managers have significant investment experience and are supported by stable and highly competent administrative team. We have a robust and flexible investment administration platform catering to all our clients’ needs.
We have in excess of R22bn of funds under administration and management. This is spread over 2,300 clients. The company operates from three offices: Illovo (head office), Stellenbosch and Pretoria. We employ 31 people, 17 of whom are portfolio managers. In addition to our JSE license, we also have FSB category 2, 2A licenses.
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