Imali Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Imali Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Imali Asset Management is a boutique asset manager with a simple but effective strategy regarding our unit trust funds. We believe in passive investing strategies that track local and offshore markets but manage the funds with an active asset allocation.

By utilising this active asset allocation, we are able to outperform the average managers at a lower risk than most of our peers. This gives our clients top-quartile and risk-adjusted returns. Being a smaller asset manager, Imali utilises our flexibility to move into overweight positions that our larger competitors can’t always access.

Imali is free to move into asset classes like Gold, Silver, and Platinum when we see an opportunity and because we have an active asset allocation we can quickly sell out of these overweight positions once we believe the investment has reached fair value.


Minimum Disclosure Document Date: 31 December 2024

Fund Name NAV Price (CPU) NAV Price Date Minimum Disclosure Document