GinsGlobal Index Funds provides a wide variety of Index-linked investment products, including traditional Index Funds (mutual funds), Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Principal Protected (Capital Guaranteed) Index Notes.
GinsGlobal provides a transparent and low-cost way to invest in any asset class and the index tracking approach uses full replication (not derivatives or synthetics).
Over almost 20 years GinsGlobal has worked with leading banks, insurers and wealth managers to offer a wide variety of Global Index products, including Thematic indices.
In Africa, GinsGlobal was the first mutual fund company to offer a broad range of locally approved global index fund products.
In the US our unique Index Universal Life and Index Annuity designs ensured we received a US patent for our Hindsight Index design. We created some of the first US life insurance products with performance tied to a mix of foreign and US indices – with returns linked to unique lookback (Hindsight) feature.
Investors choose us because we offer….
• Low cost access to global markets
• Transparent fees
• Experienced offshore Index Fund & ETF operator – 20 years
• No Upfront or Exit charges
• Tax friendly -Automatic dividend and interest reinvestment into Funds
• Simple account opening process
• Global alliances and JVs with leading financial groups
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