CS Asset Management (Pty) Ltd
Since 2004 CS Asset Management has managed various investment portfolios with great success. The fund management is headed by Dr. Leon van Wyk and Anton Strydom.
The equity exposure of the four CS Funds of Funds is adjusted constantly in line with the successful CS Asset Management model. This mathematical model includes a combination of the earnings yield ratio of the JSE All Share Index and the yield on long-term government bonds as an indication of the total desired exposure to equities in the four CS Funds of Funds.
The four fund of funds available are:
• CS BCI Prudential Fund of Funds;
• CS BCI Flexible Fund of Funds;
• CS BCI Aggressive Prudential Fund of Funds;
• CS BCI World Wide Flexible Fund of Funds.
The success of CS Asset Management can be ascribed to:
• thorough research;
• choice of underlying fund managers;
• daily monitoring of funds;
• risk assessment of the share market.
The various funds invest in local unit trusts with exposure to local and foreign markets.
The management team believes in regular and thorough communication, which includes:
• investment statements;
• summary of the preceding quarter’s developments in local and foreign markets;
• summary of developments in the local and foreign markets;
• the monthly net growth details of funds under management.
The different funds under management make use of various independent platforms, including Ninety One, PPS Investments, Glacier, Momentum and Old Mutual Wealth.
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